Family House Hall of Fame

The Family House Hall of Fame was inspired by Bob and Paula Johnson who moved to Chapel Hill following their transplant surgeon son, Dr. Mark Johnson. The Johnsons were engaged with a successful hospitality house in their hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. Arriving in Chapel Hill, they saw the need for a hospitality house for traveling UNC patients and their loved ones. They recruited resources and plans for a couple of years, eventually connecting with Bill Friday at UNC who opened many doors. Their efforts began to bear the fruit that would become the wonderful SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals that we know today. The Johnsons exemplify the characteristics for inductees in the Hall of Fame and as such are the original members of this very special program.



On March 2, 2023, Brian Stabler was posthumously chosen to join the Johnsons as a member of this elite group

2024 Inductees include:

Dr. Tom Shea                                  Bob Woodruff   

Details for the Hall of Fame:
SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals Hall of Fame recognizes men and women of the Family House community whose dedication and service has been extraordinary. They are people of outstanding character who have made substantial and sustained contributions of energy, time, and resources over time and have served as role models for every aspect of the House. Each member of the Hall of Fame would be selected because they left an enduring and meaningful legacy—touching the House with their exceptional service.

Nominations are accepted by completing the Nomination Form and submitting it for consideration to the Hall of Fame Selection Committee. The committee includes the Board of Directors Executive Committee and Family House Executive Director.

Candidates for the Hall of Fame are reviewed to insure they meet the following criteria:

1. A person of outstanding character
2. A nominee has made a substantial and sustained contribution of time, energy and resources to Family House
3. Members of the Family House Board of Directors, staff, or members of their immediate families are not eligible for induction while serving in that capacity and for a period of 2 years afterwards.
4. The nominee may be living or deceased.

Click here for Nomination Form