Family House Meal Program

Our Family House Meal program is perhaps the most mutually beneficial activity we offer.

Patients and families receive a break from hospital or vending machine meals, as well as the opportunity to sit down and relax, participating in a routine from their pre-hospital life. For volunteers, it is a rewarding experience of connecting with others who are away from friends and in need of comfort and support.

Time Commitment and People for Group Meal Program

Dinners are normally served around 6:00 PM, and we offer breakfast starting at 7 or 8:00 AM or brunch at 10:00 AM. Plan to arrive at the House at least one hour in advance to begin preparing for the meal. House Meals are served cafeteria style and usually conclude after an hour. Meal groups typically consist of 5-10 people, participants may include youth if supervised by an adult.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) , Meal program brochure, and  scheduling calendar for participating in the rewarding Family House Volunteer Meal Program.

Sign up for a night now!  
It'll make a world of difference for our guests

Flexible time and Individual Opportunities

Looking for a less scheduled way to nourish and support our guests?  We welcome the donation of casseroles, dessert or baked goods.  Your goodies are especially delightful to guests after a long day at the hospital. These donations can be brought to the house between 9am-8pm any day of the week.

Our guests love "breakfast grab 'n go” bags to have something to eat on their way to medical care. Any of the items below would be appreciated in a grab and go bag.  These can be created at your convenience and dropped off at Family House. Possible items to include would be

- Individual serve cereals
- Individually wrapped muffins/danishes
- Individual juice boxes and drinks
- water
- peanut butter crackers/granola bars

For our complete wish list, click here
You can also see and order from Amazon directly here

For questions or suggestions, or to be added to the volunteer calendar and registered as a Family House meal provider, please contact Georige Clemens at


     Georgie Clemens
     Director of Volunteer Services