Our 8th Birthday
Dear Friends, Today is the 8th birthday of SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals! Thanks to each of you for all you have done to keep our doors open every day:
- The staff who are so dedicated (Kathy Yasui-Der and Jan Ross who have been here since our doors opened!),
- The volunteers who are crucial to our operations and who extend their ongoing welcome, spotless kitchen, and freshly folded laundry,
- The meal providers who cook, serve and kindly offer their unique gifts of comfort and community,
- The Board members who over the years have guided the House to sustainability in budget, policies and procedures,
- The guests who keep coming, with thankfulness and with ideas to help us better serve them,
- The professionals at UNC Health Care who provide expert medical care and many kindnesses to our guests, patients and families alike.
Looking back we know that over 16,900 people have arrived at Family House; 206,709 guest nights have been spent in our rooms. Amazing, right? From every county of North Carolina plus 38 different states and 14 countries.
For all of these reasons, we celebrate today. Quietly, but we celebrate with thanksgiving for all of these people and the blessings that surround SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals.
With gratitude,
Janice W. McAdams
Executive Director
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