Volunteer Spotlight: A Day of Service for The Chapel of the Cross

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Since his death nearly 50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King continues to inspire our communities to give back through service. The Chapel of the Cross Church youth group answered the call. 

The aroma of bacon and freshly baked goods filled the kitchen as guests trickled in to be greeted by this inspiring group of sixth to twelfth graders.

Thanks to our volunteers!

Led by Youth Director Mike Peterson, the youth group spent MLK Day 2018 preparing an ample and nutritious breakfast for our guests. The aroma of bacon and freshly baked goods filled the kitchen as guests trickled in to be greeted by this inspiring group of sixth to twelfth graders.

It’s been said that “a full stomach makes a happy heart.” When someone endures a serious illness, a rare bright moment goes a long way. We thank this youth group from Chapel Hill for taking to heart the memory of Dr. King by preparing this hearty breakfast for our guests.


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