Volunteer Spotlight: The Cedars of Chapel Hill

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Cedars VolunteersFor the past several years, a group of managers, supervisors, and directors from The Cedars of Chapel Hill, a continuing care retirement community, converge upon our kitchen to prepare a nutritious and delicious breakfast for our guests and staff. Armed with bags of food, they break out the baking pans and cutting boards, heat up the ovens, and proceed to make a multi-course meal. An hour later, our guests are lined up to partake of a hearty breakfast—one they so appreciate as they prepare to spend another long day at the hospital.

Research has long demonstrated the value of starting the day with a fortifying meal. Improved concentration, more strength and endurance, and lower cholesterol levels are just a few of the known benefits. Thanks to this remarkable volunteer group from The Cedars of Chapel Hill, our guests are able to tackle whatever the day has in store for them.

We thank The Cedars very much for their ongoing support!

Story by Kathy Yasui-Der


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