Volunteer Spotlight: UNC Women's Softball Team

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On a recent spring morning, several players from UNC-Chapel Hill’s women’s softball team converged upon our kitchen to prepare a huge breakfast for our guests. Led by Outreach Captains Leah Murray and Katelyn Shifflett, our early to rise guests were treated to fresh juice, fruit, homemade pancakes, and an assortment of pastries. After they were done with the food preparations, several players stayed behind to chat with our guests.

UNC Women's Softball TeamWe at SECU Family House are so grateful for the many volunteer meal providers like the softball team who unselfishly give of their time and resources.  It’s our hope that their example will spark an interest in more athletic teams to come here to do the same for our guests. As we’ve seen time and time again, these home-cooked meals go a long way in warming our guest’s hearts!


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