Volunteer Spotlight: The Tar Heel Breakfast Club

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Tar Heel Breakfast ClubOur guests are treated to amazing meals each week, thanks to our growing group of volunteer meal providers. In the last fiscal year alone these teams prepared no less than 365 meals, serving nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for more than 2,300 patients and family members staying here each year. Through their generous gifts of time and supplies, volunteers provided guests with one free meal at Family House every day!

On a recent spring morning, a newly formed meal team arrived at 6:45 a.m. to prepare a breakfast feast. Calling themselves the Tar Heel Breakfast Club, this group of Rotarians represent the East Chapel Hill Rotary Club. Committed to community service, fellow Rotarian Gary Hill organized this group with hopes that they’ll become regular breakfast providers. Based on the acclamation by guests and staff, we hope they will. We thank the Tar Heel Breakfast Club for the hearty meal and for getting our day off on a great start.


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